Indoor Stools
23All the best conversations happen on a stool. Pull one up and pour your heart out.

const queryString = new URLSearchParams(new FormData($refs.filter_form)).toString()
loading = true;
fetch('/collections/indoor-bar-and-counter?' + queryString)
.then(response => response.text())
.then(data => {
let html_div = document.createElement('div');
html_div.innerHTML = data;
let html_dom = html_div.querySelector('#ProductGridContainer').innerHTML;
document.querySelector('#ProductGridContainer').innerHTML = html_dom;
// update url without refreshing the page
history.replaceState(null, null, '?' + queryString);
.catch(error => console.error('Error:', error))
.finally(() => loading = false);
Grid Size

Drum Stool
Drum Stool

Duo Low Stool
Duo Low Stool
Solid Ash

Duo Low Stool
Duo Low Stool
Solid Douglas Fir

Duo Low Stool
Duo Low Stool
Solid White Oak

Duo Low Stool
Duo Low Stool
Solid Cherry

Duo Low Stool
Duo Low Stool
Solid Walnut

Drum Stool
Drum Stool

Duo Low Stool
Duo Low Stool
Solid Ash

Duo Low Stool
Duo Low Stool
Solid Douglas Fir

Duo Low Stool
Duo Low Stool
Solid White Oak

Duo Low Stool
Duo Low Stool
Solid Cherry